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and fortune favors the early adopters!

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The US Department of HUD just reversed two major rules that will impact your real estate business. For the past 3 decades realtors were prohibited from receiving income for mortgage referrals – but that all changed in December and realtors can now be compensated on mortgage transactions! Now you can earn up to $3500.00 per transaction!

RevUp is the first program of its kind that offers a streamlined pathway for realtors to start earning mortgage revenue. There is no cost to join RevUp and, for a limited time, RevUp will pay new members a training bonus.

Register for our free 15 minute demo to learn more.

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At the demo you will learn:

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What you need to know about these major government rule changes.

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How these changes will transform our industry as we know it.
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How you can take advantage of this new revenue source
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How much money you can earn as a RevUp member

Join our FREE 15 minute demo to get the answers to all of your questions!

Reserve your spot today.



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