Change is Coming... and in this case Change is Good!

The government changed the rules of the game in December and this has triggered what will be the greatest real estate transformation in modern times.  

Never before have real estate agents had such an enormous opportunity to diversify their income!  What once was forbidden by the government has now been given the green light.  Realtors can now legally earn mortgage revenue and this new source of business will alter the industry landscape and reinvent your role as a Realtor.

Transactional Revenue

Imagine earning $2000 or $3000 more per transaction!  Imagine making $60,000 to $100,000 more per year without investing any of your money and very little of your time! 

Passive Revenue

Now you can earn thousands of dollars of passive income every single month! It’s like an annuity for Realtors that keeps growing! With RevUp you’ll earn a monthly override from your downline team’s production – without lifting a finger! That’s right – $4,000, $5000 or more of passive revenue every month into your bank account. RevUp is the most lucrative revenue sharing program anywhere! 


Become a RevUp Member

Call now to speak to a RevUp manager 



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